About Me

Hey there! I’m Leah – an entrepreneur, beauty industry ​innovator, and content creator with over 25 years of ​experience. I’ve had the pleasure of working with amazing ​celebs like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Pink to name but a ​few, and even founded and sold three luxury salons plus an ​international distribution company for nail and beauty ​products.

For the past 15 years, I’ve been deeply involved in content ​creation, using social media to build and grow all my ​businesses. These experiences have sharpened my skills in ​brand storytelling and audience engagement, and as a ​business owner, I understand exactly what brands need to ​stand out.

Creating UGC is something I genuinely love. I’m all about ​detail and bringing stories to life. My goal is to team up with ​brands that want to connect with their audience in a real and ​impactful way. At 47, my focus now is on helping women in ​my age group discover products that enhance their lives. ​With strategic digital marketing and standout UGC, I’m here ​to help your brand shine. Let’s create something ​unforgettable together!

Why Ugc?!

Person's Hands Holding a Bottle of Highlighter

I was drawn to User-Generated Content (UGC) because it ​embodies the authenticity and connection that have always ​been at the heart of my work. Whether collaborating with ​celebrities or empowering salon visitors, my focus has ​always been on genuine engagement.

With my extensive experience in the beauty industry and a ​talent for storytelling, I excel at creating visually compelling ​content. I understand firsthand the power of authentic ​narratives in building trust and fostering community. By ​leveraging my skills in digital marketing and my passion for ​real connections, I aim to create UGC that not only ​resonates with audiences but also drives meaningful ​interactions.

My goal is to reflect the real, relatable experiences that ​people cherish, helping brands connect with their audience ​in a truly impactful way.

Press Features

Press appearances in The Daily Mail, Cosmo & more..

Destination Brand Ambassador

Accommodation and experiences

Brand ​Ambassador

Brand - Scholl

I was flown to Australia to launch the Scholl Nail care ​range as their main Brand Ambassador. Attending the ​launch, Interviewing with top Australian press to talk all ​things nail art and trends & snapchatting my journey!

Some of the Brands Ive worked with ...

Simple content examples more available on request

Key Statistics



Multiple viral posts over

1.5 million view



Current Reach (25/03/24) 204K over the past 30 days

Services I Offer...

  • Organic Content
  • Paid Ad Content
  • Photography
  • Product Demo & Unboxing

Rates available on request...

  • Voiceovers
  • Ad Bundles
  • Can include pets
  • Filming, editing & scriptwriting

Why Midlife Consumers Matter...

Midlife women are a powerhouse when it comes to household spending, making up ​27% of all consumer purchases and 95% of household spending according to ​Forbes.

Here’s why they’re a key demographic:

• High Earners: They dominate the income brackets over $100,000.

• Luxury Lovers: They account for the majority of luxury travel spending.

• Car Upgraders: One in three is ready to buy a new car, even if theirs is still running ​smoothly.

• Supporters of Women: They are passionate about investing in women-led ​businesses.

• Brand Loyal: They’re quick to switch brands if they feel undervalued.

How do you connect with these influential consumers? By creating marketing that ​speaks directly to them and leveraging UGC from voices they trust.

At 47, I’m part of this dynamic group. As a content creator, I relish sharing ​recommendations that genuinely resonate with midlife women. My extensive ​experience means I know how to engage this audience and help your brand make a ​real impact.

Let’s collaborate to craft genuine, impactful content that connects with midlife ​women and helps your brand thrive. Ready to make something amazing?

Let’s get started!

Get in touch


Hibiscus Coast, New Zealand


